Why will you choose our services?
We couldn’t talk about KGK Cleaners without talking about our main founder.
KGK Cleaners have emerged through a long trajectory of work from one of its main fouder and director Kaka.
Her work in the cleaning industry started in a hotel as a chambermaid, she managed to take care of more than 30 rooms in one day due to her great commitment. She was promoted to work in a 5 star hotel in Victoria soon after where she could work more calmly and so devoting herself to the details which was what she liked to do. While working in the hotel industry she did some extra work cleaning offices, houses and commercial shops where she added a lot to her experience. Soon after this she left the 5 star hotel cleaning to start a family with her new husband whom owned a property management business. After this even though she was happy working in the new company she never forgot the cleaning business she always wanted to do.
She has since dedicated herself to KGK Cleaners along side with her husband to make this the best cleaning company in the UK and soon other countries.
KGK Cleaners is a company where she can dedicate herself doing the best for customers with more innovative ideas and quality service.
All KGK Cleaners customers are visited monthly where the quality of the service provided is checked. You are valued as a customer in the first place, Kaka makes sure she makes many of these visits personally where she sees the needs of each customer closely and make sure our highly trained cleaners give their best in each clean as if it were their own home or business.
We are very glad to get good review.



Susan Miller


Sonia Carrilio